
Allikas: EMPAATIA.ee

(Erinevused redaktsioonide vahel)
(Eestis ilmunud raamatud)
Rida 19: Rida 19:
Kuidas käitume kaheaastase lapsega, kui ta on sõbralt mänguasja ära võtnud? Mida võiksime öelda nelja-aastasele, kes karjub vihaselt, kui tema väikevend nutab? Millised strateegiad aitaksid hoida teismelist avatuna ja kaitstuna? Vanematena oleme selliste olukordadega pidevalt silmitsi. Eneseempaatia, toimetulek vihaga ja kaitsva jõu kasutamine on vaid mõned vanemlikest väljakutsetest, millest siin juttu tuleb, koos reaalelus toimivate lahendustega, mis aitavad rahuldada kõigi vajadusi.
Kuidas käitume kaheaastase lapsega, kui ta on sõbralt mänguasja ära võtnud? Mida võiksime öelda nelja-aastasele, kes karjub vihaselt, kui tema väikevend nutab? Millised strateegiad aitaksid hoida teismelist avatuna ja kaitstuna? Vanematena oleme selliste olukordadega pidevalt silmitsi. Eneseempaatia, toimetulek vihaga ja kaitsva jõu kasutamine on vaid mõned vanemlikest väljakutsetest, millest siin juttu tuleb, koos reaalelus toimivate lahendustega, mis aitavad rahuldada kõigi vajadusi.
Raamat on tõlge Vägivallatu Suhtlemise Keskuse (CNVC) poolt 2003. aastal välja antud trükisest "Parenting from Your Heart: Sharing the Gifts of Compassion, Connection, and Choice". Kirjastamist Eestis toetasid USA saatkond SEED stipendiumiga ja Hollandi Kuningriigi Suursaatkond väikeprojektide programmiga MATRA/KAP koolitusprojekti "Suhtlemine ilma vägivallata - vägivalla vähendamise võimalused Eesti laste- ja noortekodudes" raames.
Raamat on tõlge Vägivallatu Suhtlemise Keskuse (CNVC) poolt 2003. aastal välja antud trükisest "Parenting from Your Heart: Sharing the Gifts of Compassion, Connection, and Choice" (samuti võimalik laenutada). Kirjastamist Eestis toetasid USA saatkond SEED stipendiumiga ja Hollandi Kuningriigi Suursaatkond väikeprojektide programmiga MATRA/KAP koolitusprojekti "Suhtlemine ilma vägivallata - vägivalla vähendamise võimalused Eesti laste- ja noortekodudes" raames.
Raamatust on olemas ka venekeelne versioon: "Родительство от всего сердца. Сочувствие, единение и выбор"
Raamatust on olemas ka venekeelne versioon: "Родительство от всего сердца. Сочувствие, единение и выбор"
Rida 67: Rida 67:
Warner Books, 1995
Warner Books, 1995
Simple Abundance is a book borne out of a deep personal need, written for women who wish to live by their own lights. Like millions of women, Sarah Ban Breathnach found herself searching for a way to reconcile her spiritual and creative longings with often overwhelming commitments to family, friends and work. Simple Abundance is a day-by-day map that guides you on your own spiritual journey - 366 inspirational essays that lead to an understanding of how the simple, joyful pleasures of life, which cost so little and require only imagination, can bring a wealth of creative energy, harmony and fulfilment to each day.  
Simple Abundance is a book borne out of a deep personal need, written for women who wish to live by their own lights. Like millions of women, Sarah Ban Breathnach found herself searching for a way to reconcile her spiritual and creative longings with often overwhelming commitments to family, friends and work. <i>Simple Abundance</i> is a day-by-day map that guides you on your own spiritual journey - 366 inspirational essays that lead to an understanding of how the simple, joyful pleasures of life, which cost so little and require only imagination, can bring a wealth of creative energy, harmony and fulfilment to each day.  
| Kohal
| Kohal
Rida 136: Rida 136:
Drawing on his background as a composer, the author argues that creativity should not be seen as an innate gift, but a skill that can be learned, practiced and mastered. Teaching that the same skills used by "artists" to produce their masterpieces can be used to create anything from a computer program to a functional kitchen, he takes the reader through the steps of creating, from conception to action, and how to make the most of each stage as you travel through it. He also covers how to make the right choices to improve your ability to create what you want, and the importance of having a firm grip on current reality and future vision in order to move from where you are to where you want to be. Fritz argues for the power of the individual to choose to become the predominant creative force in his or her life.
Drawing on his background as a composer, the author argues that creativity should not be seen as an innate gift, but a skill that can be learned, practiced and mastered. Teaching that the same skills used by "artists" to produce their masterpieces can be used to create anything from a computer program to a functional kitchen, he takes the reader through the steps of creating, from conception to action, and how to make the most of each stage as you travel through it. He also covers how to make the right choices to improve your ability to create what you want, and the importance of having a firm grip on current reality and future vision in order to move from where you are to where you want to be. Fritz argues for the power of the individual to choose to become the predominant creative force in his or her life.
| Kohal
| Tagastustähtaeg 10. aprill

Redaktsioon: 16. märts 2008, kell 20:05



VVS-i huvilistel on aegapidi kogunenud raamatuid ning heli- ja videomaterjali, mis toetavad teadlikult elamist ning annavad edasi neid eluväärtusi, mille järgi me ise püüame juhinduda. On suur rõõm tõdeda, et paljud neist on raamatukogule kingitud. Seda enam soovime neid jagada kõigi huvilistega. Kui oled leidnud mõne huvipakkuva teaviku, siis pöördu palun laenutamiseks e-posti aadressil või tel 518 2812 (Sandra). Laenutamisel rõõmustaks meid Sinu omavalitud panus MTÜ arvelduskontole uute teavikute seemneks ja/või kirjalik mõtisklus loetu-kuuldu üle, mille saaksime lisada teaviku juurde. Laenutusaeg on 4 nädalat, mida saab tähtaja lõppedes pikendada 4 nädala jagu. Laenutustähtaja leiad vajadusel siit lehelt laenutatud teaviku kõrvalt.

Eestis ilmunud raamatud

Autor - Pealkiri - Kirjastus - Aasta - Sisukirjeldus Staatus
Raamatukaas: Vanemaksolemine kogu südamest. Jagades hingesoojust, luues ühendust ja nähes valikuvõimalusi Inbal Kashtan

Vanemaksolemine kogu südamest. Jagades hingesoojust, luues ühendust ja nähes valikuvõimalusi

MTÜ Eesti Noortekodude Ühendus, 2006

Kuidas käitume kaheaastase lapsega, kui ta on sõbralt mänguasja ära võtnud? Mida võiksime öelda nelja-aastasele, kes karjub vihaselt, kui tema väikevend nutab? Millised strateegiad aitaksid hoida teismelist avatuna ja kaitstuna? Vanematena oleme selliste olukordadega pidevalt silmitsi. Eneseempaatia, toimetulek vihaga ja kaitsva jõu kasutamine on vaid mõned vanemlikest väljakutsetest, millest siin juttu tuleb, koos reaalelus toimivate lahendustega, mis aitavad rahuldada kõigi vajadusi.

Raamat on tõlge Vägivallatu Suhtlemise Keskuse (CNVC) poolt 2003. aastal välja antud trükisest "Parenting from Your Heart: Sharing the Gifts of Compassion, Connection, and Choice" (samuti võimalik laenutada). Kirjastamist Eestis toetasid USA saatkond SEED stipendiumiga ja Hollandi Kuningriigi Suursaatkond väikeprojektide programmiga MATRA/KAP koolitusprojekti "Suhtlemine ilma vägivallata - vägivalla vähendamise võimalused Eesti laste- ja noortekodudes" raames.

Raamatust on olemas ka venekeelne versioon: "Родительство от всего сердца. Сочувствие, единение и выбор"

Raamatukaas: Vägivallatu suhtlemine. Elu Keel. Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D.

Vägivallatu suhtlemine. Elu keel.

Nebadon, 2005

See on ääretult praktiline raamat, mis toetab iseenesest ja teistest inimestest teadlikumaks saamist, aitab väljendada iseennast ausalt, ilma kriitika ja hukkamõistuta ning kuulata teisi süvatasandil, sõnade tagant. Vägivallatu suhtlemine ei ole pelgalt suhtlemismudel - see on sügav elufilosoofia ja elamise viis!

Loe I peatükki raamatust

Raamatut saab osta ka Merike Kahju käest e-posti aadressil või taskutelefonil 5551 8652.


Mujal maailmas ilmunud raamatud

Autor - Pealkiri - Kirjastus - Aasta - Sisukirjeldus Staatus
Raamatukaas: Zak Bridget Belgrave


Life Resources, 2003

At the end of an amazing summer holiday, Zak, age 11, decides to write his life story, because he wants people to understand his unusual experiences. Loved by boys and girls, 7 to 12 years old, Zak is a book which parents and teachers are delighted to discover. It addresses the roots of present day dilemmas - how to preserve our climate and planet, and how human beings can create peace.

Raamatukaas: Simple Abundance: A Daybook of Comfort and Joy Sarah Ban Breathnach

Simple Abundance: A Daybook of Comfort and Joy

Warner Books, 1995

Simple Abundance is a book borne out of a deep personal need, written for women who wish to live by their own lights. Like millions of women, Sarah Ban Breathnach found herself searching for a way to reconcile her spiritual and creative longings with often overwhelming commitments to family, friends and work. Simple Abundance is a day-by-day map that guides you on your own spiritual journey - 366 inspirational essays that lead to an understanding of how the simple, joyful pleasures of life, which cost so little and require only imagination, can bring a wealth of creative energy, harmony and fulfilment to each day.

Raamatukaas: Don't Be Nice, Be Real: Balancing Passion for Self With Compassion for Others Kelly Bryson

Don't Be Nice, Be Real: Balancing Passion for Self With Compassion for Others

Authors Publishing Cooperative, 2002

This book teaches you the mechanics and spirit of Nonviolent Compassionate Communication to cure "Niceties." It shows how being Mr. or Mrs. Nice Guy or Gal is a form of violence to yourself and others, and an escape from a fully lived life. It takes you on a journey from being either a depressed doormat, or an aggressive bully, to an effective, enlightened assertion of yourself. It provides principles and tools for self-responsible, non-judgmental, clear and conscious harmony.

NB! Kirjastus Väike Vanker tegeleb raamatu tõlkega eesti keelde!

Raamatukaas: Connecting across Differences: A Guide to Compassionate, Nonviolent Communication Jane Marantz Connor, Ph.D. and Dian Killian, Ph.D.

Connecting Across Differences: A Guide to Compassionate, Nonviolent Communication

Hungry Duck Press 2005

Connecting Across Differences addresses the real life concerns of young adults with candor, clarity and compassion. The authors use a variety of engaging dialogues, exercises, examples, and contemporary ads and cartoons to show how the powerful process of Nonviolent Communication can enrich personal relationships as well as contribute to far-reaching social change. It is engaging reading for people of all ages who long more connection and understanding in the world.

Raamatukaas: Ginny, Be a Good Frog! Vilma Costetti

Ginny, Be a Good Frog!

Edizioni Esserci, 2004

This colorful, illustrated children's book, suitable for children ages 3 to 9, is the product of experimental work in NVC being done in several educational institutions in Italy, and can contribute to greater understanding between parents and children.

Raamatukaas: The Third Chimpanzee: The Evolution and Future of the Human Animal Jared Diamond

The Third Chimpanzee: The Evolution and Future of the Human Animal

Harper Perennial, 1992

Though we share 98 percent of our genes with the chimpanzee, our species evolved into something quite extraordinary. Jared Diamond explores the fascinating question of what in less than 2 percent of our genes has enabled us to found civilizations and religions, develop intricate languages, create art, learn science--and acquire the capacity to destroy all our achievements overnight. The Third Chimpanzee is a tour de force, an iconoclastic, entertaining, sometimes alarming look at the unique and marvelous creature that is the human animal.

Raamatukaas: Going to Pieces Without Falling Apart Mark Epstein, M.D.

Going to Pieces Without Falling Apart. A Buddhist Perspective on Wholeness. Lessons from Meditation and Psychotherapy

Broadway Books, 1999

In the era of self-empowerment and the relentless glorification of self-esteem, Mark Epstein is questioning whether we have it all backward. As a psychiatrist and practicing Buddhist for 25 years, Epstein has come to believe that the self-help movement has encouraged us to spend enormous amounts of time, money, and mental energy on patching up our egos, rather than pursuing true self-awareness. Instead, Epstein suggests we carefully shatter the ego, as if it were a fat piggy bank, to see what's inside--a scary prospect for those who spend their lives in fear of falling apart. But fear not. Epstein artfully shows readers how to patch the pieces together again into a far richer and more meaningful mosaic.

Raamatukaas: The Path of Least Resistance: Learning to Become the Creative Force in Your Own Life Robert Fritz

The Path of Least Resistance: Learning to Become the Creative Force in Your Own Life

Fawcett Columbine, 1989

Drawing on his background as a composer, the author argues that creativity should not be seen as an innate gift, but a skill that can be learned, practiced and mastered. Teaching that the same skills used by "artists" to produce their masterpieces can be used to create anything from a computer program to a functional kitchen, he takes the reader through the steps of creating, from conception to action, and how to make the most of each stage as you travel through it. He also covers how to make the right choices to improve your ability to create what you want, and the importance of having a firm grip on current reality and future vision in order to move from where you are to where you want to be. Fritz argues for the power of the individual to choose to become the predominant creative force in his or her life.

Tagastustähtaeg 10. aprill
Raamatukaas: Forgiveness: The Greatest Healer of All Gerald G. Jampolsky, M.D.

Forgiveness: The Greatest Healer of All

Beyond Words Publishing, 1999

This is a small book with a big message: if people are to heal themselves and learn to live with each other in love and harmony, forgiveness must become as important and regular as breathing. The first chapter offers powerful stories chosen to open the reader's heart to the idea of forgiveness. Subsequent chapters explain why so many individuals find it so difficult to forgive, and why holding onto grievances is really a decision to suffer. He describes the causes of being unforgiving, how the mind works in this process, and the ultimate negative effects this attitude can exert on one's body and life in general.

Raamatukaas: Love Is Letting Go of Fear Gerald G. Jampolsky, M.D.

Love Is Letting Go of Fear

Celestial Arts, 2004

To help us in this difficult journey from fear to love, Dr. Jampolsky presents tools in the form of 12 daily, progressive lessons for personal transformation. These crucial lessons work through the concepts of giving, forgiveness, cause and effect, perspective, reactive behavior, victimhood, judgment, living in the present, releasing the past, visualization, freedom to choose, and taking responsibility. In the 25 years since it was first published, Love Is Letting Go of Fear continues to change lives with its frank, thought-provoking, and powerful response to overcoming life's greatest challenges.

Raamatukaas: From Stress to Serenity: Gaining Strength in the Trials of Life Angus Jenkinson

From Stress to Serenity: Gaining Strength in the Trials of Life

Sophia Books, 2003

With a background in business and a life-long interest in spirituality, Angus Jenkinson brings a rich blend of professional and practical know-how, contemporary experience and ancient wisdom to tackling the very modern problem of stress. The sense of being under stress, he suggests, is as much to do with our response to events as the events themselves. From Stress to Serenity collects advice, practical exercises and insights from many traditions and diverse sources, including Rudolf Steiner, Jung, Nelson Mandela, Julian of Norwich, Marshall Rosenberg and Buddha. The result is an enlightening workbook as well as a thought-provoking analysis of the roots of stress and its meaning for our personal and spiritual development.

Parenting from Your Heart: Sharing the Gifts of Compassion, Connection, and Choice. Inbal Kashtan

Parenting from Your Heart: Sharing the Gifts of Compassion, Connection, and Choice

PuddleDancer Press, 2003

As a parent, you're constantly faced with challenges. Self-empathy, dealing with anger, and the protective use of force are just some of the parenting challenges addressed here, along with real-world solutions to help meet everyone’s needs. The tenets of Nonviolent Communication are applied to a variety of settings, including the classroom and the home, in these booklets on how to resolve conflict peacefully. Illustrative exercises, sample stories, and role-playing activities offer the opportunity for self-evaluation, discovery, and application.

What's Making You Angry?: 10 Steps To Transforming Anger So Everyone Wins Shari Klein and Neill Gibson

What's Making You Angry?: 10 Steps To Transforming Anger So Everyone Wins

PuddleDancer Press, 2004

When you’re angry, you tend to get caught up in the wrongness of others—you focus on what you don’t want. You lose sight of what you really do want and need. In this booklet you learn how to change this pattern, and connect with the life-serving purpose of anger, expressing it in ways that create outcomes that are satisfying for everyone involved.

Raamatukaas: No Contest. The Case Against Competition. Why We Lose in Our Race to Win. Alfie Kohn

No Contest. The Case Against Competition. Why We Lose in Our Race to Win.

Houghton Mifflin, 1986

Contrary to the myths with which we have been raised, Kohn shows that competition is not an inevitable part of human nature. It does not motivate us to do our best (in fact, our workplaces and schools are in trouble because they value competitiveness instead of excellence). Rather than building character, competition sabotages self-esteem and ruins relationships. It even warps recreation by turning the playing field into a battlefield. Because any win/lose arrangement is understandable, we will have to restructure our institutions for the benefit of ourselves, our children, and our society.

Raamatukaas: Punished by Rewards: The Trouble With Gold Stars, Incentive Plans, A`s, Praise, and Other Bribes Alfie Kohn

Punished by Rewards: The Trouble With Gold Stars, Incentive Plans, A's, Praise, and Other Bribes

Houghton Mifflin, 1999

The basic strategy we use for raising children, teaching students, and managing workers can be summarized in six words: Do this and you`ll get that. We dangle goodies (from candy bars to sales commissions) in front of people in much the same way we train the family pet. Drawing on a wealth of psychological research, Alfie Kohn points the way to a more successful strategy based on working with people instead of doing things to them. Kirkus Reviews called Punished By Rewards "a clear, convincing demonstration of the shortcoming of pop-behaviorism, written with style, humor, and authority," and Thomas Gordon, the founder of Parent Effectiveness Training, said, "Every parent, teacher, and manager should read this book - and hurry."

Raamatukaas: World as Lover, World as Self Joanna Macy

World as Lover, World as Self

Parallax Press, 1991

A new beginning for the environment must start with a new spiritual outlook. In this book, author Joanna Macy offers concrete suggestions for just that, showing how each of us can change the attitudes that continue to threaten our environment. Using the Buddha's teachings on Paticca Samuppada, which stresses the interconnectedness of all things in the world and suggests that any one action affects all things, Macy describes how decades of ignoring this principle has resulted in a self-centeredness that has devastated the environment. Humans, Macy implores, must acknowledge and understand their connectedness to their world and begin to move toward a more focused effort to save it.

Raamatukaas: The Celestine Prophecy: An Adventure James Redfield

The Celestine Prophecy: An Adventure

Warner Books, 1993

Drawing on the ancient wisdom found in a Peruvian manuscript, The Celestine Prophecy tells you how to make connections between the events happening in your own life right now...and lets you see what is going to happen to you in the years to come. A book that has been passed from hand to hand, from friend to friend, since it first appeared, The Celestine Prophecy tells a gripping story of adventure and discovery, but it is also a guidebook that has the power to crystalize your perceptions of why you are where you are in life...and to direct your steps with a new energy and optimism as you head into tomorrow.

Raamatukaas: The Celestine Vision: Living the New Spiritual Awareness James Redfield

The Celestine Vision: Living the New Spiritual Awareness

Warner Books, 1997

In the phenomenal international bestsellers The Celestine Prophecy and The Tenth Insight, James Redfield described an emerging spiritual renaissance and crystallized a new vision for millions of people around the world. In The Celestine Vision Redfield focuses on our individual perceptions of synchronicity and cites examples from his own experience as he clarifies how mysterious coincidences lead us toward our special destiny. Here, too, he examines one hundred years of discovery in physics and psychology to show an inevitable synthesis of Eastern and Western ideas. The unmistakable message in this convergence is that human history is purposeful, that both miracles and scientific discoveries are part of the same unbroken chain of evolution toward a better world.

Raamatukaas: The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision James Redfield

The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision

Warner Books, 1996

The Tenth Insight will take you on a journey into other dimensions...to memories of past experiences and other countries...to the moment before our conception and the birth vision we all experience...to the passage of death and the life review we must all face...to the self-imposed isolation of hell, where fearful souls resist awakening...and the love-filled Afterlife dimension where the knowledge of human destiny is guarded and held. Again, with words that resonate with our deepest intuitions and illuminate both the world outside us and within us, James Redfield offers us all a unique, revelatory and ultimately joyful vision of human spirituality.

Raamatukaas: The Open and Closed Mind: Investigations into the Nature of Belief Systems and Personality Systems Milton Rokeach

The Open and Closed Mind: Investigations into the Nature of Belief Systems and Personality Systems

Basic Books, 1960

Based on intensive studies conducted by Milton Rokeach and his colleagues over a period of nearly nine years, The Open and Closed Mind probes deeply into the nature of prejudice and dogmatic thinking. In so doing, this incisive volume sheds light on the process by which man constructs and organizes his systems of belief and on the relation between an individual`s patterns of belief and his underlying personality structure.

Raamatukaas: The Heart of Social Change: How to Make a Difference in Your World Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D.

The Heart of Social Change: How to Make a Difference in Your World

PuddleDancer Press, 2003

A transcript of a Nonviolent Communication workshop given by Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D. Marshall encourages us to use NVC skills and consciousness in the service of human social needs, and shares examples of how to do it. Here is Marshall's wisdom on effective social change. He centers on basic questions: What is our nature as human beings? what's the good life? How do we make life wonderful? Social change begins with "liberating ourselves from that which is not in harmony with creating the kind of world we desire."

Raamatukaas: Life-Enriching Education Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D.

Life Enriching Education

PuddleDancer Press, 2003

Filled with insight, adaptable exercises and role-plays, Life-Enriching Education gives educators practical skills to generate mutually respectful classroom relationships. Discover how our language and organizational structures directly impact student potential, trust, self-esteem and student enjoyment in their learning. Rediscover the joy of teaching in a classroom where each person's needs are respected!

Lisainfo kirjastaja kodulehel

Raamatukaas: Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D.

Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life

PuddleDancer Press, 2003

This book is a complete presentation of the process of Nonviolent Communication. Most of us are hungry for skills to improve the quality of our relationships, to deepen our sense of personal empowerment or to simply communicate more effectively. Unfortunately, for centuries our prevailing culture has taught us to think and speak in ways that can actually perpetuate conflict, internal pain and even violence. Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life partners practical skills with a powerful consciousness and vocabulary to help us get what we want peacefully.

Raamatukaas: Teaching Children Compassionately: How Students and Teachers Can Succeed with Mutual Understanding Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D.

Teaching Children Compassionately: How Students and Teachers Can Succeed with Mutual Understanding

PuddleDancer Press, 2003

In his keynote address to a national conference of Montessori educators Marshall describes the basic features of Nonviolent Communication, clearly illustrating how they can be used in your classroom to create a safe and supportive learning environment. In the second part of this transcript - a workshop on the same day as the address - Marshall role-plays a challenging situation with a teacher, and shows how she can create an outcome satisfying for everyone.

Raamatukaas: We Can Work It Out: Resolving Conflicts Peacefully and Powerfully Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D.

We Can Work It Out: Resolving Conflicts Peacefully and Powerfully

PuddleDancer Press, 2003

In over 35 years of mediating conflicts - between parents and children, husbands and wives, management and workers, police and communities, and warring groups around the world - Marshall has learned it is possible to resolve conflicts peacefully, and to everyone's satisfaction. It's not compromise - it's a caring and respectful quality of connection that allows everyone's needs to be met.

Raamatukaas: The Myth of Psychotherapy: Mental Healing as Religion, Rhetoric, and Repression Thomas Szasz

The Myth of Psychotherapy: Mental Healing as Religion, Rhetoric, and Repression

Syracuse University Press, 1988

Claiming that morality has been replaced with medical and therapeutic rhetoric, Szasz moves to demythologize psychotherapy, and he does so in a most provocative manner.

Raamatukaas: The Power Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment Eckhart Tolle

The Power Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

Namaste Publishing, 2001

Ekhart Tolle's message is simple: living in the now is the truest path to happiness and enlightenment. And while this message may not seem stunningly original or fresh, Tolle's clear writing, supportive voice and enthusiasm make this an excellent manual for anyone who's ever wondered what exactly "living in the now" means. Foremost, Tolle is a world-class teacher, able to explain complicated concepts in concrete language. More importantly, within a chapter of reading this book, readers are already holding the world in a different container--more conscious of how thoughts and emotions get in the way of their ability to live in genuine peace and happiness.

Raamatukaas: To See Differently: Personal Growth and Being of Service Through Attitudinal Healing Susan S. Trout, Ph.D.

To See Differently: Personal Growth and Being of Service Through Attitudinal Healing

Three Roses Press, 1996

A practical handbook for healing the mind and for extending this healing through service to others. Attitudinal healing is the ongoing process of healing the mind so that we can experience inner peace. This entails choosing a perception of the world that mirrors the inner state we want to create. To make this choice, we must address the condition of our minds. Few people today understand how their mind works, how to keep it healthy or how to support the health and well-being of the minds of others. We are taught to read and write, to open a checking account and to drive a car. We are not taught to confront our conflicts, to lovingly relate to others and to feel safe in a seemingly unsafe world.

Raamatukaas: The Third Side: Why We Fight and How We Can Stop William L. Ury

The Third Side: Why We Fight and How We Can Stop

Penguin Books, 2000

According to William Ury, it takes two sides to fight, but a third to stop. Distilling the lessons of two decades of experience in family struggles, labor strikes, and wars, he presents a bold new strategy for stopping fights. He also describes ten practical roles--as managers, teachers, parents, and citizens--that each of us can play every day to prevent destructive conflict. Fighting isn't an inevitable part of human nature, Ury explains, drawing on his training as an anthropologist and his work among primitive tribes and modern corporations. We have a powerful alternative--the Third Side--which can transform our daily battles into creative conflict and cooperation at home, at work, and in the world.

Raamatukaas: A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of a Course in Miracles Marianne Williamson

A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of a Course in Miracles

Harpercollins, 1996

Back by popular demand - and newly updated by the author - the mega-bestselling spiritual guide in which Marianne Williamson shares her reflections on A Course in Miracles and her insights on the application of love in the search for inner peace.Williamson reveals how we each can become a miracle worker by accepting God and by the expression of love in our daily lives. Whether psychic pain is in the area of relationships, career, or health, she shows us how love is a potent force, the key to inner peace, and how by practicing love we can make our own lives more fulfilling while creating a more peaceful and loving world for our children.

Raamatukaas: The Powers That Be: Theology for a New Millennium Walter Wink

The Powers That Be: Theology for a New Millennium

Doubleday Galilee, 1999

In The Powers That Be, Walter Wink helps us reformulate our ancient concepts - such as God and Satan, angels and demons, principalities and powers - in light of our modern experience. Based on his understanding of the Bible, Wink creates a whole new way of viewing the world, and offers us a language for talking about and to God. This popularized abridgment of Naming the Powers, Unmasking the Powers, and Engaging the Powers radically reorients our perspective on life by creating new lenses through which we see reality. Equipped with this fresh outlook, we can embark on a new relationship with God and our world that will serve us well into the next millennium.

Raamatukaas: The Seat of the Soul Gary Zukav

The Seat of the Soul

Fireside, 1990

The Seat of the Soul<i> is for scientists – for those who love to experiment with life, and to decide for themselves what works and what does not. It provides a vocabulary, not a dogma, to express the forces that are moving this world of ours. It illuminates deeper causes of physical experience. It is soul satisfying. <i>The Seat of the Soul is a practical, hands on books. It deals with the most important issues of our lives – how to know ourselves, choose responsibly, and learn together how to create a planet without conflict. The survival of our global village now depends upon our ability to do this. This is how we now evolve – or not.

Raamatukaas: Soul Stories Gary Zukav

Soul Stories

Simon & Schuster, 2000

Soul Stories is a collection of true tales that speak to themes such as "Reincarnation," "A Higher Form of Reasoning," "Psychic Archaeology," "The New Female," and "Universal Humans." Some stories come from Zukav's personal experience, like his sister's car accident and his mother instantly knowing that her daughter was hurt even though they were 100 miles apart. It is tempting to view these 52 tales of fate, coincidence, and sixth sense with an air of doubt. "You have to decide," Zukav warns, "that means thinking about it and, even more important, discovering what you feel about it. Eventually, you might find that what you feel about a Soul Story is more important to you than what you think about it." No matter what you feel about the individual tales, you will leave this book trusting that the best way to understand the meaning and mysteries of life is through story.



Autor - Pealkiri - Väljaandja - Aasta - Sisukirjeldus Staatus
Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D.

Words are Windows or They are Walls. A Presentation of Nonviolent Communication by M. Rosenberg
VHS, 145 min

Create Your Life - Productions, 1995

Words are windows or They are Walls was recorded at a presentation in Copenhagen, where Marshall Rosenberg introduces Nonviolent Communication with humor and clarity. He illustrates the model with everyday situations presented by the audience.



Autor - Pealkiri - Väljaandja - Aasta - Sisukirjeldus Staatus
Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D.

Nonviolent Communication and Restorative Justice
CD, 69 min

The Center of NVC, 2003

Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D.

Six Steps to Reconciliation and Forgiveness
CD, 60 min

The Center of NVC, 2003

A simple to use guide to self-help or for helping others to make a shift from living in pain to living more fully in the present.

Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D.

Speaking Peace. Connecting with others through Nonviolent Communication
CD, 2.5 h

This new recording, produced by Sounds True, explains the purpose of NVC, how to use the four components of the NVC model to express ourselves honestly and respond empathically to others, and to bring about change within ourselves, others, and within larger social systems; includes songs, stories and examples.

Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D.

Expressing and Receiving Anger Compassionately
MC (kassett)

The Center of NVC, 1998

Marshall B. Rosenberg's 54 minute audio taped summary of how to fully express and receive anger using NVC principles.

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