"Art of Living Together"

Allikas: EMPAATIA.ee

Redaktsioon seisuga 23. november 2008, kell 11:01 kasutajalt (arutelu)


7th Annual experimental NVC week "The Art of Living Together"

9th-15th of April 2009

Experiment leaders, Liv Larsson (Swe), Merike Kahju (Est), Kay Rung (Swe/Fin)

7-days of living, exploring and practicing Nonviolent Communication and Group Dynamics! The biggest challenge in today’s world seems to be a struggle how to live peacefully together in different settings and structures. The Art of Living Together is not always easy to master... We come together each year for one week around Easter to sharpen our abilities of living together so that we can bring our experiences and skills back to our everyday lives. This will be already the 7th year! We are celebrating the depth of connection and feeling of community that many participants have experienced while there so they choose to come back again and again!


  • "It is a week now since I left the Art of Living Together. The time seems to have flown by, I miss the quality of communication and friendliness and also the learning and fun. Today I was longing to live in such a community not just once a year for a week but for the whole of my life." Jayaraja from UK

  • "I keep a very warm feeling inside me remembering the time we spent together, still running through processes stimulated by our various interactions and conversations, sometimes having a big relief by an AHA-expereince, sometimes being overwhelmed by confusion setting in on the way to more clarity in any case very grateful to the inspiring company I had on this part of the journey. Hope to be reunited with as many of you as possible next year at Easter so that we can continue building trust, sharing feelings, crying and laughing together ." Anett from Germany

  • "this week in estonia is a very important step in connecting with the trust that it is possible to live in a world where everybody's needs can be recognised and heard! i got closer to my dear dream and it allows me to go back to France with a lot of inspiration and energy to build it there

plus that, i got a lot of healing, by being able to cry and express who i am at each moment in a safe enviroment where acceptance and autenticity are present and it so contributes to my growth and evolution...

andddd!!! i am still deeply moved by all the beauty i got in touch with, from seeing each person opening up the depth of connexion i experienced there put me touch with a lot of love and beauty" Oriane from France


Our intention within these seven days is to create an intensive experiment. We want to live in a community where we explore what can be created when people value connection, honesty, mutuality and free choise, and learn tools that can help in living these values.

Our aim is to offer you and ourselves possibility for personal growth through deepening skills in Nonviolent Communication & Group Dynamics.

Topics in this experimental week include living NVC within ourselves, in our relationships and in the world, working with intimate relationships and sex, anger, guilt, shame, money issues, abundance and scarcity thinking, alive-in-the-moment group processes and anything else that group decides to bring up. In last days of gathering all participants are encouraged to offer sessions that are valuable for themselves and the group.

Come and let’s experiment together how we can create an environment where trust and honesty, both around painful and joyful issues are valued, and your needs are as important as everyone’s else’s!


We organise the gathering after the idea of experience based learning. The format includes a lot of skill practice, sharing, presentations, daily empathy groups, simulations, informal practices during meals, walks etc.

  • Part 1: Skill building – basic and advanced.
  • Part 2: Live group process – applying the skills trained in part 1 in the group. (Inspired by the FIRO theory.)
  • Part 3: Shared leadership - space for presentations, exchange ideas, best practices, coaching on leading the group etc.


  • People who have basic knowledge of the NVC process (the more experience you already have, the more valuable your week might be).
  • People who wish to broaden and deepen their nonviolent communication and group process skills.
  • People who dream of walking their talk – living what they are valuing and believing in.
  • People wishing to take a step toward becoming certified NVC trainers.
  • NVC trainers who are wanting to sharpen their leadership skills and understanding of group dynamics.

Let’s experiment, live, learn, play and enjoy together!


The event starts with lunch Day 1 (app 12 am) and ends Day 7 at 4 pm. We want everyone to come for the start and stay until the end of the event!!!


If yes, please read about our approach to money and ressourses here http://friareliv.se/site/ Afterwards ask yourself questions like this:

  • If I would have all the money of the world – how much I would like to contribute?
  • If I would not contribute at all – how would I feel then?
  • If I would hold my needs as dearly as the team’s needs – how much would I contribute then?
  • How would I get these ressourses? Do I want to do fundraising for that? What other ways could I figure out?


(Coming soon!)


To support the experiment leaders and organisers in their work and living we would enjoy you to choose your contribution between 450 and 1200 EUR. We are asking you to contribute as much as you really enjoy giving from your heart while holding our needs as precious as yours!


We have been working together for seven years, exploring how it is to share NVC and live the process at the same time. We do this during the training as well as in our regular planning meetings and in the rest of our lives.

Merike is CNVC Certified trainer. She works with nvc trainings as full time job in Estonia and all over Europe. She is a grandmother and an ex navy officer.

Liv is CNVC Certified trainer. Since 1992 she is working with different trainings (leadership etc) all over the world, as a mediatior. She has also written 4 books on NVC, the last one about Mediation.

Kay teaches NVC and mediates/coaches, special intrest in parenting and money issues. Lives and works with Liv. Also publishing NVC books in Swedish. www.friareliv.se


Organising team:

Mihkel Kahju +372 508 98 15, mihkelkahju@hotmail.com, www.ahimsa.ee

Leadership team:

Kay Rung +467 03 933 971, kay@friareliv.se (Sweden) www.friareliv.se

Liv Larsson +467 05 454 799, liv@friareliv.se (Sweden) www.friareliv.se

Merike Kahju +372 55 518 652, merike@ahimsa.ee (Estonia), www.empaatia.ee, www.ahimsa.ee

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